Forgotten Gods - September 13th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods RPG

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September 13th, 2010

[Sep. 13th, 2010|12:27 am]


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[Current Mood |contemplative]

Who: Achilles [info]chink_in_armor and Kismine [info]dreambound
What: Achilles returns the following day after his premiere a little out of sorts, and takes Kismine for a walk.
Where: Achilles' apartment and then the park.
When: Saturday, late afternoon
Warnings: None

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[Sep. 13th, 2010|11:19 am]


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Who: Artemis and Leto
Where: Central Park Zoo
When: September 13, early evening
Rating/Warnings: None expected

Blue-Gray Tanager )
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[Sep. 13th, 2010|04:03 pm]
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Who: Video Games and Facebook
Where: Celes' apartment
When: September 13, evening and on
Rating/Warnings: tbd

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[Sep. 13th, 2010|04:07 pm]


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WHO: Ailani Giles & Bast
WHEN: Saturday morning / Midday Monday
WHERE: Halifax, Nova Scotia / JFK airport, NYC
WHAT: Losing a father and gaining a mother.

the only thing constant is change )
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There's one thing, baby, that I don't understand [Sep. 13th, 2010|04:33 pm]



Who: National Security ([info]absolutecontrol)
What: Coming back as if nothing has happened.
Where: NYC
When: Monday
Warnings: Messing with a human's brain.

You keep telling me I ain't your kind of man. )
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[Sep. 13th, 2010|05:14 pm]


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WHO: Cara & Set
WHEN: Monday afternoon
WHERE: The Temple of Set, California
WHAT: The prodigal devotee returns.

If holy is as holy does this house will burn straight down to hell )
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So you say you're not going to fight because no one will fight for you. [Sep. 13th, 2010|09:54 pm]


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Who: Humility ([info]humilitas) and Samael ([info]servantofgod)
What: It might be too late for salvation, but help is always nearby.
Where: Humility's home
When: Monday morning.
Warnings: N/A

But someday the weight of the world will give you strength to go. )
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