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September 11th, 2014




I happen to have 38 invite codes with this journal b/c it's a paid one, so if anyone needs a code hit me up!



[No Subject]

New player Terry here - I think some of you know me - with Richard Harrington Summerby. Call him Rich, or Bee. Some people might remember him as the one who took over Cedric's position after the TriWizard. He was a Hufflepuff, class of 96. When he graduated, he turned down an offer to play Seeker or Chaser for the Falcons and went into Auror training. He quit when Voldie's crew took over the Ministry and joined the resistance, first raising funds and bringing supplies into England, and later Smuggling people out. Some people might know him as Ridgeback, or remember a disreputable older Frenchman named Jean Forgeron. Some Snatchers and a few Death Eaters know him as the last person they saw in their life. He took part in the Battle of Hogwarts, and it was there he lost his girlfriend, a Ravenclaw a few years younger than him. He still visits her grave every year on the anniversary of her death. After the end of the war he went to work on the Swedish Dragon Reserve, but that didn't work out.
Fellow Puffs might know that he's been a broom racer since he was six, starting out on a kiddy broom. If anybody follows the racing circuit, he's known as a talented amateur, one class below the pros. He has also been doing a little test flying for a reincarnated Bluebottle. You can catch him most weekends practicing on one local track or another, or giving flying lessons and instructing beginning racers.
Richard is a junior partner (quite well paid) at International Exports, where his father is a Senior Partner. His job has him jumping all over the globe working deals. He's based out of the London office now, and should be around a lot more. He sometimes trades on his broom racing contacts and his ability with languages to land deals others can't. If you want to buy, sell, or transport anything internationally, he probably 'knows somebody'.
An accomplished dancer, given to good books, fine dining and the Theater, well-off, not too bad looking. Why hasn't some lady landed him? Rich has a bit of a PTSD problem. He still sees the faces of everybody he killed and everybody he couldn't save in his nightmares. Serious commitment issues in a relationship. Most girls aren't interested in visiting a former girlfriend's grave. Will there be someone who can help him get past this little problem? Time will tell.
Take a look at the boy's character sheet for more details. Open to friends, enemies, romance, almost anything. I work an odd schedule so I'm off and on line all sorts of odd hours, usually on my phone. I can be reached at terry dot buyers at gmail dot com or simiangrudge on AIM.



It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark

Hello lovelies, Kaylie here! After what feels like weeks and weeks of talking about him, I finally bring you Gregory Goyle, the least talkative character I've ever played.

His backstory is largely canon but here's some things you may want to know:

- Until after the Battle of Hogwarts he had an undiagnosed hearing impairment that made it hard to understand people and meant he had trouble pronouncing words correctly. It's all fixed now, so he's not as stupid as some characters may remember (he's still a pretty slow-thinker, though).
- After a year off adjusting to full hearing / mourning Vincent Crabbe he went back to school and managed to achieve a whole two NEWTs. Since then he's been volunteering/performing community service clearing various DE properties of dark magic.
- His mum still basically rules his life and what decisions she doesn't make are probably influenced by Pansy or Draco. She kicked him out of her house so she could court Ernie's uncle and told him to find a job and a flat in Monument Alley (one out of two ain't bad).
- He lives above McHavelock's Wizarding Headgear. He works (or is about to start work) for George at WWW.
- He's Marcus's cousin (his mother was a Flint before she married) and they're the same height.

Sooo, hit me with backstory / forwardstory / sideways stories. I'll update the cast list tomorrow with Greg and our other two new characters.