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Posts Tagged: 'ooc:+games'

Apr. 17th, 2015



Future Friday

Another friday, another Just For Fun OOC thingumabob.

The game year (2005) is ten years back from reality - so I thought it would be fun to think about what our characters would be doing this year (2015). How old would they be? Where are they living? What job do they have? How's their relationship with their family, their current friends and/or partner? Do they have new hobbies, new skills?

Tell me anything about where you see your character(s) a decade from now. Participants will get the chance to be involved in a special event for the Battle of Hogwarts weekend.

Mar. 20th, 2015



Friday Feeling!

It's Friday!

There's only one thing that can mean - time for a little OOC entertainment. An idea I have shamelessly stolen from a former mod of mine; a music post!

1. Comment with a character's name or a platonic/romantic/potential pairing in the game.
2. Respond to other people's comments with songs that remind you of that character / pairing.
3. Enjoy having lots of new music to listen to! And an interesting insight into how other people see your characters / pairings.
(4. Profit?)

Kat and I are adding them to playlists for your enjoyment. Mine is on grooveshark and Kat's is on spotify. As of Sunday morning I've added every song that I was able to find on Grooveshark to the Grooveshark playlist. And now, alas, I have to go spend all day singing with my choir. I will probably be exhausted / hungry when I finally get home so expect tags on Monday.