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Oct. 29th, 2009


Looking for a Brian Kinney

Character you will be playing: Justin Taylor (Queer as Folk)
Character Wanted: Brian Kinney
Storyline: You wake up alone in the bedroom of a lavish penthouse apartment. A quick glance around the room will tell you that you are here with nothing but the clothes on your back and anything you might have had in your pockets. You feel a slight discomfort on the inside of your left wrist and upon inspection you see a small tattoo of a barcode that you don't remember getting and the red skin assures you it is very much a real tattoo.

You move into the large living and kitchen area and the floor to ceiling windows give you a familiar sight, the Las Vegas strip. You turn your attention to the counter separating the living room and kitchen where a laptop computer sits, a word document open on screen. A black Amex with your name on it sits beside it on top of a brand new blackberry.

Welcome to Las Vegas!
We here at Zenner Corp imagine you must have many questions regarding your arrival here. Don't fear, these questions will be addressed when the time is right. For now please just enjoy yourself at our expense. The only thing we ask in return is that you do not leave the city, you are here for a reason and you will be needed.

We have provided you and the others like you with a private message board system, please use it as you see fit.

And remember; what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

Screen Name: Any questions can be sent to AylaRanzz on aim. You can also email me at if I'm not on aim.
Is it for a RP community (if so, which one) or is it a PSL?: [info]brightlightcity
Timezone State/Country: Well I'm in the East Coast
Any other information you feel is important: It’s multi-fandom. I’ve taken Justin from the end of Queer as Folk, his bio is on his journal for more info. Must be ok rping smut ;) I think that would be a given with them though.

Jun. 8th, 2009


Dear Dean Winchester,

We miss you. We need you. Most importantly, your brother is violating all that is holy and awesome by having sex on me with that demon bitch that you hate so much. Please, oh please, put a leash on your brother and keep him from doing something insane like that again. They were all over me. All. Over. Me. There are some things that you can not scrub from your memory. That, my friend, was one of them. So if you care for me at all, you'll get your ass over here and give Sam HELL. Please? PLEASE?

The Impala

[info]wariscoming is a brand new multifandom Supernaturalverse game that's in great need of any and all Supernatural characters. As Dean is one of the two Winchester duo, we would love it if he decided to drop in and join in on the insanity!

Jun. 5th, 2009



Probably a long shot but I'm looking for a Doctor Who line, possibly long term if desired. Something mature and maybe dark. If interested just PM or Y!M ihavecomesofar


Charmed Progeny

Life is peaceful for the Halliwells and their families. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, and Leo have settled down with their lives. No more demon hunting, no more crazy backfired spells, no more death and destruction. Their children are growing up in a world with little conflict, occasionally kicking a bit of demon ass when nessecary. Wyatt and Chris have grown into law abiding citizens. Paige and Phoebe's children are all growing up, attending Magic School. Leo is teaching there, watching over the education of the students. Piper has finally opened the restaurant she's always wanted. Wyatt has taken over P3. Paige is a full whitelighter. Phoebe is a prize winning column writer for The Bay Mirror, and has penned several best selling novels on love.

Trouble begins brewing right under their noses, unbeknownst to the Halliwell family. A new Source of Evil is rising to power, organizing the once chaotic underworld. This new Source is planning on taking out the Halliwell line to clear the path for a worldly destruction and a takeover of evil. Betrayal is lurking in their midst, and together, Wyatt, Chris, and their cousins will battle this inner threat and the Source along with the help of new allies. Now it’s up to the Halliwell offspring to save the day and take on their parents charge of the Charmed destiny.

In a time of danger, the sisters decide it's time to pass on their Charmed heritage. The chosen three are Melinda (Piper's youngest), Parker (Phoebe's oldest), and Ariel (Paige's elder twin). The other children are just as important, and they must all work together if they want to survive and persevere.

Amidst the lies and the fighting, friendships are forged and love blooms for these youngsters. New friends are gained, while old friends are lost. They all begin down paths of self-discovery, each realizing their full potential and fullfilling their destinies.

They must band together and put aside their childhood squabbles. Will they be able to save good magic?

Wanted List

We are always looking for new people!! Come and join us!!

May. 31st, 2009


I used to have CSI lines with Nick Stokes and Greg Sanders. To save repeating myself I have put details the details in this journal. It has been awhile since I've played this girl so I have figured she's been away. I can definitely fill in the blanks and we can discuss more plots. I'd love these plots to be picked up again. I write in third person and I'm looking for details in posts/replies...makes things more interesting. I'm hoping for possibly long term and committed players. Not players that will say they're interested but disappear soon after, I've had plenty of them. There must be players who still want to pick and be an active Nick and/or Greg.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and ask if anyone plays Buffy characters? Someone who might be interested in playing Angel (preferably, but would be open to someone else) in a thread based, pan-fandom game against my Oz.
If interested, comment here or message me at harleygreatness

I also play Arnold Rimmer (of Red Dwarf) there and would LOVE a Lister to insult.

May. 30th, 2009


Star Trek Fandom here [info]spacejump

We need a Spock, Sulu and more. And other fandom.

Its an open game with promising plots and fun and drama. Don't have know Star Trek to play. That's okay but check us out!


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