June 17th, 2016

[info]reality_escape in [info]find_players

Hello! I'm Emma, and I currently play two characters over at Veiled World, they are Kylie Pierce and Emmett Carver, both of whom have a few wanted lines!

First up is Kylie: she's a fairly young vampire, changed only about eighteen years ago. Her wants are for her older sister, Cassidy (possibly PB - Alina Kovalenko), who is seven years older but also changed around the same time. This relationship is Not Good, though they used to be very close, so I'd love to see her around! The next want is for her Sire (PB totally open), who I see as a male that changed both of the sisters. There's more to this story, but it is very closely tied in to Cassidy's story, so if there's any way that I could get the two of them that would be wonderful! Third want for her would be for her mentor (again, open PB-wise) who took her under their wing after she was turned. They lived abroad in Europe for a while, and this mentor really helped her. I imagine them as an older vampire (any age when they were turned, but they've been around for a long time) who wouldn't have minded stepping in and helping a new vampire who is very mad, very young and hates everyone. (Last is for her 'little' brother Kenneth, he would still be human, and it's an open PB for the most part too.)

Next is Emmett! He's a mama's boy wolf, and missing his mum as a played character in game, so I'd love love LOVE for someone to bring her in! She's just as protective of him, was changed at 18, and I imagine Madeline Brewer as a PB though I am open to suggestion!

If anyone might be interested in any of these lines, please feel free to drop me a line here or through email at walkswithindreams@gmail.com! I'm very friendly and very excited to hear from anyone! :)