May 10th, 2015

[info]greyhoundsix in [info]find_players

I'm looking for a few characters to fill some empty spots in [info]valar.

First off is Mickey Smith. He and Martha were together, but I'd be open to working with a few player if retconning was necessary.

Also from Doctor Who, Amy Pond. Her and Rory had moved to the OC for her modeling career.

The next is David Nolan from Once Upon A Time.

And lastly from The Vampire Diaries/The Originals, we're looking for Freya Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson and Henrik Mikaelson as well as Jenna Sommers and Alaric Saltzman.

If anyone has any interest, you can email me at I'm open to changing anything if needed for any previous lines.