November 24th, 2014

[info]digyourowngrave in [info]find_players

Hi there! I'm Lottie and I play a few characters at [info]horrorathon. I'm looking specifically for four characters! I'm available via AIM at rhythmofthewardrums or email at littlethingsdefineyou[at]gmail[dot]com for interested parties!

Stiles Stilinski could really use his dad (Sheriff Stilinski) and his best buddy/bro (Scott). He's kind of struggling a bit at the moment--the only pal he's got is Isaac and he's not digging that so much. So Dad and/or Scott would be UH-mazing.

Also Bucky Barnes could really use Falcon and Captain America. Okay, no, actually, he would prefer not to have them ): But I would love them. MCU canon preferred but comic canon would be great as well. Bucky's transitioning out of the Winter Soldier programming at the moment, so he's fairly volatile. But yes, Cap and Falcon would be awesome.

TL;DR: Sheriff Stilinski & Scott McCall of Teen Wolf, Captain America & Falcon of Marvel~