September 16th, 2013

[info]avengers2point0 in [info]find_players

Looking for some individuals to join a just started Group PSL where The Avengers meet next-gen Avengers. Two seperate battles somehow linked through time and space forming a tear and pushed the Avengers team from 20 to 30 years into the future into the past. We are looking for players that are willing to jump in and help build this game cooperatively. We are looking to stay mostly with the Movieverse with some comic information thrown in to flesh some things out.
We are looking for:
Bruce Banner/The Hulk
Jane Foster
Phil Coulson
Darcy Lewis
Maria Hill
Next Gen Characters
And any other characters from the Avenger Movies

Premise~*~Rules~*~Holds~*~Cast~*~Parent List~*~Application~*~Wanted