August 25th, 2013

[info]ilokid in [info]find_players

Hello there, I'm Erica. I'm playing over at [info]willowbrookrpg (via [info]willowbrookmods), a game that will be opening September 1st. It's an original mutant RPG that's a lot like X-Men meets Harry Potter. There's the students and the teachers, then there's the good guys versus the bad guys. We're looking for pretty much anything and everything at this point, but I have a couple specific lines I'd like to see.

I need an aunt for my Ksenia Solo face, who is a student in her last year. I'm usually flexible on PBs, but I'd really like Anna Silk as the face of her aunt, mostly because OMG HOW CUTE ARE THEY TOGETHER?! Sorry, I can't help myself. Anyway, she'd be a mutant too, in her thirties, and a member of either the school staff or be one of the Centurions (good guys). I'm currently developing her history, so being able to write something out with someone would be great.

I'm also looking for the little sister of my Zoe Saldana face, who is a Centurion member, though having issues with remaining there. Her little sister would either be a student or a newer member of the Centurions and the reason she's remaining with the good guys. I'm totally open to PB ideas.

Aside from those two, I'd LOVE to see younger students. Kids just coming to Willowbrook who have little control over their abilities. Also, some super evil baddies. Or the definite hero-types for the Centurions.

PM this journal for further contact information, please. :)


[info]smokeandmagic in [info]find_players

I'm looking for some children of the Avengers to join a just starting GPSL [info]avengers2point0 where the second generation of Avengers get punted into the past somehow and meet the current Movie Verse Avengers. We already have the son of Tony and Pepper and the daughter of Loki and Darcy. We would love to see the child of Sif and Thor, Captain America, War Machine, Winter Soldier, Black Widow, Hawkeye...

I am really hoping for someone to play the child of Bruce Banner and Jane Foster. Canonly in the comics Jane fails the test to be Thor's wife and I think nerdy science love between Jane and Bruce would be precious. I am really hoping for their son for a romantic interest with the daughter of Darcy and Loki. Or he could be Betsy's son. I just think it would be an interesting match.

[info]xprojectmods in [info]find_players

X-Project - Mutants Wanted!

Your Muse: XP's cast of lots.
Muse wanted: X-23, SURGE, QUICKSILVER, HAVOK, BEAST, WASP and plenty of other unplayed socks looking for homes!

Community: [info]x_project/ X-Project
Fandom: X-Men movieverse (X1 and X2 specifically)
Canon: X-Men movies and comics - we do a blend of most Marvel property, put through the 'realism' filter of the movies.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movie
PB: Anyone not on this list.
Contact via: (PM, comment, ect)
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