July 26th, 2013

[info]fillorian in [info]find_players

Hello. My name is Emmy and I am currently playing at the recently opened [info]welcomemod. I am trying to find someone who might be interested in applying for True Blood characters for my Jessica Hamby, located at [info]louisianaqueen, to play against. I would specifically love to see a Bill Compton in game; since he is her maker and father figure. Others that would be fantastic to see would be Jason Stackhouse or any of the other major vampire characters. I would be alright with seeing versions of them from the Southern Vampire Mysteries as well but I would prefer the television show just because she's awfully lonely being the only one representing the show, and she would prefer for her friends to know she exists.

I can be contacted at panramakayii@gmail.com. I hope someone might be interested. ♥♥♥♥