February 10th, 2013

[info]metemmods in [info]find_players

Metempsychosis: Rebirth of the Gods

[info]metempsychosis is an 18+ modern-myth game where mythological figures have been reborn into today's world. We do encourage "sandbox" play in addition to regular events, especially inter-pantheon interactions.

In the spirit of the Valentine's season, we'd love to see some of the missing halves to classic pairings:

♥ Frigg needs her Odin
♥ Sigyn needs her Loki
♥ Bastet needs her Ptah
♥ Kali needs her Shiva
♥ Aphrodite needs her Ares
♥ Apollo needs the rest of his Muses

And there are many more slots waiting to be filled!

[info]metempsychosis | [info]metem_ooc | [info]metem_log

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[info]thelittleliar in [info]find_players

I am looking for any and all potential His Dark Materials players to join me and Lyra (and hopefully soon Xaphania) over at [info]thedoorwaymods! Lyra's 13 and coming from right after the end of the war, so obviously she'd love a Will Parry close to her age. I'm also jonesing really bad for a Mrs Coulter for her to snark at/with, but I will be happy with anyone, seriously!

Check it out and let me know if you have any questions!