August 1st, 2012

[info]zutalors in [info]find_players

Calling all WEASLEYS!

I just joined [info]fromashes_mod with Fleur here, and she would love to see the rest of her in-laws join the game, especially her husband BILL WEASLEY! The game is set in the summer of 1998, and they've only been married for a year or so. The war is over, so it's time to build their proper life together. ♥

Also would love to see Charlie, Molly, and Arthur to round out the family!

[info]stephenc in [info]find_players


I'm looking for players to pick up some of the missing Ravenclaws at [info]fromashes_mod. I'm getting a little desperate here! Stephen is currently the only male Ravenclaw in eighth year and he could really use his dormmates! Still looking for: Anthony, Terry, Michael and Kevin!

Pretty please with a cherry on top?!

Thank you!