March 19th, 2012

[info]shimmersea in [info]find_players


Looking for an ex-husband for my Lady Gothel. She essentially stole his child after discovering his infidelity so there's a lot to work with there. The other woman would be much loved, too!

Wanting a Gingerbread Boy for one of my other characters. Ginger was super competitive, lived in the shadow of her husband and overtook him when the occasion arose. He had a fairly good relationship with my character so it'd be fun for him to be around, especially if she doesn't know what happened between him and her ex!

Lastly, especially looking for a prince for Rapunzel.

Lots of other lines over at [info]theoctagon! Small, friendly game!

[info]theroyale in [info]find_players

Any Watson players out there? I'd like to take the duo into a comm or write them in a PSL.

[info]born_anew in [info]find_players

Making the California Alpha for [info]wolfies and he needs his pack around. They are set up to be an excessively laid back group of werewolves. I don't have much wrote up for him yet but I am using Adam Baldwin for his PB.

[info]lovelymiha in [info]find_players

Mihajlo Knezevic at [info]athosmod
Athos is a new game allowing PB and Celeb type characters in an all male, slash environment. The world is unique and AU, but in a unique way. You just have to go and read the premise to see that! Honestly, the game has a lot of potential, all it needs is more awesome people to come around to play. There are a lot of faces open for playing, so there will not be some made search to find someone obscure to play, just take your pick.

Why do I say all of this? Because this lovely creature is there. Miha (pb'd by Andrej Pejic) is in need of some company! For one, he has an older half brother and a back-history to go with it. It would be lovely to have him come to Athos as well, as either a Lover or a Beloved.

But more than that... Having anyone there to have Miha interact with would be, simply, amazing! So come and check out [info]athosmod.

[info]casagrandemod in [info]find_players

rules ~ application ~ held/wanted/taken
~Directory: Males ~Directory: Females
~drop box ~ friends button ~ CG Secrets

We are a small played-by roleplay community set in the developing city of Casa Grande, Arizona. Our group consists of an open-minded and diverse ensemble of writers with an even more varied cast of characters. The community allows a broad spectrum: from your everyday girl-next-door or high school jock to a Victoria's Secret employee or NBA star. Regardless, you must be realistic when devising your applicant. Our emphasis is on character development and we offer an opportunity to delve deep into that person you have always wanted to play without the distractions of supernatural talents or global collapse. Please read the rules beforehand! If your application is denied we will provide an explanation as to why. Any further questions can be posed through contacting the mods at 'the drop box'. We will be glad to answer your queries there.

[info]kimurariku in [info]find_players

Riku Kimura at [info]athosmod
Meet Riku Kimura. Riku is a guy in a bad place at a bad time. Born and raised in Japan until he was eight, at which point his family moved to America for his father's job. They were only suppose to be there for three years, but an accident happened two years in leaving Riku orphaned in America at a very bad time as the government made decisions that would change everything. So he eneded up at Athos, raised to become the perfect Beloved, a man who would submit to a husband and, eventually, have children with. Problem is? Riku doesn't like it, and rebels against it, being as god awful as he can to drive potential Lovers away. He doesn't want this, and will try his hardest to fight it.

He comes off as brash and loud, and hard to get on with. He has some trust issues, sadly, that makes him put people to the test before he allows them in close. There are a select few have made that transition into friendship, and he (and I) would love for some friends to be in Athos with him, helping to ease the annoyance that is a government gone mental. And whether he likes it or not? He needs a Lover capable of seeing through his bullshit and calling him on it. Someone who can take him in hand and show him that just because this is all insane doesn't mean they cannot make the best out of it.

As you can no doubt guess, Athos ([info]athosmod) is a Slash Only, Mpreg friendly game. I know its not everyone's cup of tea, but for the few out there who could be interested? It would be awesome if you came and joined us, whether you pick up a line with this one or not.