March 16th, 2012

[info]damnationmods in [info]find_players

The battle did not go according to plan, and Victoria was outraged to find out that her numbers were no longer in tact. She hadn't set out on that journey only to fail, and when brought face to face with one of her many enemies, she fled the scene with Riley into seclusion. Time to regroup was all she needed in order to succeed, but would it be enough? And though it was a victory in many respects, this wouldn't be the end of her vendetta against the Cullen clan.

What if James had never really died? What if there was someone waiting in the wings for the Cullens to disperse and collected his ashes before he was completely turned to nothing but dust? He spent the months biding his time, and watching Victoria's actions from afar, amused by the lengths she would go to to avenge his murder. Unbeknownst to them, he tracked Alice, Bella and Edward all the way to Italy, keeping his distance all the while.

With Victoria at a desperate point to bring down the Cullens and the Volturi offering to help despite their own turmoil in their inner circle, will James ever let his existence be known again? Or will he continue to simply observe the going-ons around him? And just how will the Quileutes react to the idea of Jacob Black being the rightful Alpha male?

Now that a war is about to begin, what side will you choose?

WANTED: Sam Uley, Marcus, Alec, Quil Ateara, Embry Call, Collin Littlesea, Rebecca, Irina, Felix

[info]la_belle_rogue in [info]find_players

Looking for someone who would like to play a comics verse Magneto in The Tartarus Experiment over on dreamwidth.

We have small handful of Marvel folks, including Rogue (whom I play) and Gambit. Currently there is some wonderful angsty drama, and a Magneto circa the Legacy Storyline would be wonderful to continue that triangle.

Any questions you can contact me in a comment here, or via PM on my dreamwidth journal above.

[info]lovelymiha in [info]find_players

Mihajlo Knezevic at [info]athosmod
Athos is a new game allowing PB and Celeb type characters in an all male, slash environment. The world is unique and AU, but in a unique way. You just have to go and read the premise to see that! Honestly, the game has a lot of potential, all it needs is more awesome people to come around to play. There are a lot of faces open for playing, so there will not be some made search to find someone obscure to play, just take your pick.

Why do I say all of this? Because this lovely creature is there. Miha (pb'd by Andrej Pejic) is in need of some company! For one, he has an older half brother and a back-history to go with it. It would be lovely to have him come to Athos as well, as either a Lover or a Beloved.

But more than that... Having anyone there to have Miha interact with would be, simply, amazing! So come and check out [info]athosmod.