October 8th, 2011

[info]broadcastmods in [info]find_players

Broadcasting Live ([info]broadcastmods) is a multi-fandom game based on the premise of the TV world being real, and the characters you see on TV being trapped in their programmes.

At the moment, we're looking for the following characters, as well as any others you'd love to bring in;

Sam and Dean Winchester - Requested by an original hunter for plot.

Being Human (UK)
George Sands - Mitchell would love to have him around.

Doctor Who
Rory Williams - We have an Amy looking for her Rory for general plot fun.
River Song - Again, Amy would love to have her daughter around, and there's also a tenth Doctor for her to plot with.
Eleventh Doctor - His human TARDIS would love to see him, and you can never have too many Doctors, after all. There's also a Martha, Rose, and Jack for him to reacquaint himself with.

For more information on the game look here. The present cast list can be found here. We'd love to see you around!