June 8th, 2011

[info]mythomod in [info]find_players

Hello everyone! I'm one of the mods over at MYTHOPOEICS; we're a mythology-based game at livejournal in which Gods from several pantheons have been reincarnated as mortals. Community based, events happen on a monthly basis which are part of a larger overarching plot trying to answer questions as to why they are no longer gods and such.

Currently we're looking for quite a few characters from the Norse pantheon we'd love a Tyr, Nanna, Odr, Hel, Sig, and Jormangander to kickstar the Norse into more shenanigans!

From the Greeks we'd love to have: Triton, Demeter, Cronus, Helios, Zeus, Hera, Hestia, Apollo.

We also have several players looking for Arthurian characters like King Arthur, Guinevere, Merlin.

For apping we also have the Egyptians, Aztecs, and Hindu pantheons. And we're always looking to add new pantheons as well.

There are more characters listed over at: WANTED

Reserves open tonight midnight, so come on over and reserve :3 ♥

[info]xaviertrainees in [info]find_players

New panfandom seeking active players.

[info]xaviertrainees is a brand new panfandom role-play slated to open June 26. Professor X, Draco Malfoy, & Percy Jackson are cast and looking to make friends, enemies, and everyone in between!

[info]likesboys in [info]find_players

Hello Duckies!

This is Kurt, he's truly as fabulous as he'd have you believe. Now while he has a Blaine, he really needs a Rachel and a Finn. Because life really isn't that awesome without his Rachel to plot to move to New York with, or his step brother to be brotherly.

Community has only been open a few days, still looking for lots of the players, (Artie, Puck, Quinn included and David, let's not forget David *makes grabby hands*) ANYWAY.

Come on Glee writers of the world, come and make my day :)