October 19th, 2010

[info]blueyedkatara in [info]find_players

You guys! All we need is Sokka and we can finally play!

[info]trident_master in [info]find_players

Looking for a few characters for [info]tri_initiative and figured I'd try my hand here.

The Hunger Games: Pretty much anyone. Finnick comes from just before the end of Catching Fire and would love to see anyone; Katniss, Peeta, Haymitch, Johanna, Annie (especially).

Angel: Angel, Wes, Fred. Cordelia comes from the end of season three and is still in love with Angel and regrets not getting the chance to tell him, so she'd love it if he showed up. Spike would also enjoy Angel showing up so he can mess with him and both would love to see Fred.

Harry Potter: Molly would love to see Arthur. She comes from 1977 just before Percy's first birthday and will be 27 on Oct 30th. Bellatrix would love to see Rodolphus. She comes from 1975, before they were married and is 24. Fred, George, Bill and Charlie as well would be great to have.

If you're interested check out [info]tri_initiative and/or you can contact me at AylaRanzz on aim or AylaRanzz@gmail.com.

[info]notthistime in [info]find_players

Hello! I'm Alissa and a few of us are looking for a line to be filled at [info]mitochondrion.

This character here, his sister Emily, and their father Charles would love to see Bethany Elwood in game. Bethany is considerably younger than her husband Charles, and she's not his first wife. Charles is a serial husband (he changes wives every couple of years) and Bethany is his current one now. She is the only one of his wives who has shown an interest in Charles children. We have her personality as flirty and fun, very girly and very caring. Charles is in his early 50's, so Bethany is likely in her 30's, though age can be compromised. We thought the perfect PB for her was Isla Fisher a la Confessions of a Shopaholic.

For more information, comment here, or email me at ilu2m4u2c@gmail.com!