September 25th, 2010

[info]angeloluciano in [info]find_players

Hi, I'm Ani, and I play Angel here, Nico Falconeri [info]nicofalconeri, and Bene Carabinieri [info]benecarabinieri at Boston Mafia [info]bostonmafia_mod.

We need someone to replace Catarina Luciano, who's 19, both as a sister for Angel and Leo [info]leothemobster, and a possible girlfriend for Nico [info]nicofalconeri (the poor guy needs something to do). She needs to be closer to Angel than either of them are to Leo. Actually they are both wary, even close to estranged from him. Which may or may not put them in a dangerous position.

Actually Angel needs a girlfriend too. I'd prefer she be a civilian, or if a member of a Mafia Family, not engaged in a organization role. We also could use some Capo's (mid-level leaders of soldiers).

The game has been in existence since February so we're not going to disappear. If you're interested in playing them, please come on over!

[info]tryslora in [info]find_players

Come to Pelham Place!!

Hey there, I'm Deb, and I both mod and play at Pelham Place over on Dreamwidth. We're a small original world game set at a boarding school and associated town in western Massachusetts, where the Old Races have been brought back to life by a secret government agency. Students and teachers alike, all Old Race people themselves, are trying to figure out how to fit into a world that isn't quite ready for people like them to exist, while at the same time trying to figure out how to fit in with each other.

For myself, I'm looking for a few specific characters.

Kara Wulfe is a Skinwalker from a large family (all of her younger siblings are also Skinwalkers) on the west coast. Her sister Lauren is defined as currently being a post-graduate student and I'd love to see her transferring to Pelham for that work. Kara is also looking for corruptible students and teachers; she was recruited by ORRY (the organization that created the Old Races) and is looking to find new recruits for this secret government agency.

Chaotic teenager Jinx Xavier has two older step brothers who are both of playable age. Shane is a Seer and is a senior, and is one of her closest friends ever. He is one of the few people who keeps her daredevil habits in check. Samuel is a Druid who just graduated last may and could well still be hanging around the town of Pelham Hills, going to any of the local colleges, or doing post-graduate work at Pelham Place.

And while we're here, my shy boy Peter Watson just graduated in May himself and is now teaching art to the lower school students while doing some post-graduate work trying to wrestle his Spiritwalker talents under control (he's failing at this). He'd love friends from his year and the years around his, and while he wouldn't love enemies, I would love people to push his buttons.

We don't have a lot of characters with agendas, and we'd love to have some more characters coming in who want things that aren't necessarily fitting with the rest of the world. Our Sidhe wants more people to help him rule the world (or school at the very least). We also need roommates for some characters (especially for Colwyn DiNeve, the aforementioned Sidhe). And we need cheerleaders for Gwyn Michaels-Smith, either new besties on the squad, or haughty types who look down on her for her incessantly cheerful attitude.

And as always, we need more teachers and more students, but the spots above come with instant interaction. Our full wanted list is right here! I hope you'll come check us out, and if you'd like more information, drop me a PM to this account.

[info]dietre in [info]find_players

Looking for a slash line at [info]mitochondrion for this character. I'd really prefer an older/younger line, but at this point I'm flexible. I'm not a fan of overly fluffy things, I want this to be a tense, somewhat angst filled line. I have things in mind to discuss with anyone interested, though I'm pretty much open.

A warning though. If you're looking for a really sexual line, this won't be the one for you. If any sex happens it won't be for a long time. I really want to focus on character development.

[info]shanmurphyx5 in [info]find_players

Hi! Would love a husband for this lady. He would also be the Irish Mafia Boss over at [info]bostonmafia_mod. He's currently a NPC to make things a little easier until the line is filled.

He's in Ireland at the moment, taking care of his sick mother and Shannon just joined him over there. They have five children, ages from 26-20 (Audrianna, William Jr., Seamus, Connor and Abigail). All the children lines are filled except for Connor. Will Jr. is taking care of business for the most part.

He's pretty open. I didn't want to restrict creativity. I only ask that he's faithful.

I'm open for anything for him. I would really love to see him in action! Comments or PMs to talk ideas!

[info]ernad in [info]find_players

[info]gravecomfortmod Does any PB Michael Cera and would tag along as a BFF line?