August 3rd, 2010

[info]disney_dreamer in [info]find_players

Hello! I'm looking for a character or two for a group PSL that is going to begin August 13th! The group is called Remember the Forgotten and is a Harry Potter AU game. All of our favorite Harry Potter characters have been transported to muggle London and all live muggle lives. Some don't remember their wizarding life, while some are beginning to get flashbacks and dreams, and others can completely remember.

I play Cho Chang in the group and would love to see a muggle boyfriend for her! It can be someone from game canon and I'm sure we could work something out! Any characters are welcome! HERE is a link to the taken page and HERE is the available page.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a message here! ^_^

[info]my_oubliette in [info]find_players

Looking for an Angel

Okay so getting ready to start a group PSL over at [info]fightingthedark and still looking for an Angel player from AtS. Any other characters from the supernatural genres are welcome to jump in as well as this is more about a crossover plot then anything!

[info]islay in [info]find_players

[info]fightingthedark Looking for an Angel and a Wesley. Maybe even a Giles or a Xander, maybe? A group PSL that's starting up. All supernatural characters are welcome! So, Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, I'm looking at you!