July 30th, 2010

[info]mcarthurs in [info]find_players

Would love a Michael C. Hall over at [info]orleanss

[info]wariscomingmod in [info]find_players

Hi, I mod at a War is Coming [info]wariscomingmod SPN-Verse Panfandom and am particularly looking for some Star Wars EU players to go with the Jaina and Jacen Solo we have there at the moment. Jacen [info]jeditraitor is post LotF and Jaina [info]tricksterjaina is just post NJO so any time frame welcome! Any and all charries but I'd love to see a Han, Leia, Mara or Luke or Ben to antagonise my Jacen a bit. He's having it too easy :) And of course Tenel Ka and Allana :)

We've also recently opened to SPN deceased charries human and demon alike post the S4 Finale and we would love John, Azazel, Gordon Walker etc :)

Other than that check out our wanted pages and taken lists and come app!


[info]kremedkitten in [info]find_players

Would anyone be interested in a supernatural community located in Montreal, Canada? Maybe with some premades based on the characters from books and legends, along with original characters. If someone with basic html knowledge would like to help me to co-mod, please drop a line here or pm me.

[info]chasingnights in [info]find_players

Does anyone play Brandon Flowers?
I'd kill for a line.