June 23rd, 2010

[info]nameoftheweek in [info]find_players

Chuck RPG

Hi folks! I'm looking for a few good players at [info]spymoria, an RP based on NBC's "Chuck". We're kicking things off on July 9th, but right now we're still lacking a few important chars who'd make the game really awesome.

* Morgan Grimes: Chuck ([info]iknowkungfu) needs his best pal, Casey ([info]unleashthecasey) needs to be annoyed by him, Alex ([info]missamericanpie) needs to hang out with him. And Operation Orion needs its geeky tech/analyst. (PB Joshua Gomez)

* Ellie Bartowski Woodcomb: Chuck needs his older sister, Devon/Captain Awesome ([info]capt_awesome)needs his wife, and it's a great opportunity for a writer to determine where she goes as a char after the events of s3 on the show. (PB Sarah Lancaster)

You can PM me at this journal (the mod journal) with any questions!