June 19th, 2010

[info]emilyplays in [info]find_players

[info]mitochondrion We need a middle child for the Tibbits family!

Tentative name: Annie Tibbits
Tentative age: 15-17
Relations in game: Jacob, Emma, Alfie and Lexie Tibbits
Suggested PB: Lucy Hale
Suggested profession: student
Any details you feel needs to be included?: Jacob and Emma are very involved in the lives of their children. They are very loving, and Emma is extremely nosy. Lexie is "the perfect one," so Annie might possibly feel resentment toward her or see her as a threat.
Suggested power (if applicable): Appearance alteration
Any suggested plot lines?: family bonding/tension, relationship drama, Annie probably wouldn't know she's adopted yet...
Anything you're willing to compromise?: Power

Comment or contact ofnumberlessdreams@gmail.com for more info!

[info]writerchick_99 in [info]find_players

So, I'm going to be cross-posting this a bit, however I'm looking to get lines filled for a new game that's in the process of opening up. I'm looking for lines for my girl Jo ([info]jonotjosephine) who is PBed by the beautiful Melanie Laurent. In short, she's a werewolf who's 219 years old and has currently settled in Polebridge, Montana. The game is ([info]polebridgemods) and we'd love applications! The two lines I'm looking for are here:

cut for length )

Feel free to comment here or on Jo's bio here!