June 15th, 2010

[info]emilyplays in [info]find_players

[info]mitochondrion The Bennett children need parents to be neglectful and distant towards them. They will possibly be part of a larger plot arch later in the game. Details as follows:

Tentative name: [Mother] Bennett and [Father] Bennett
Tentative age: 40s
Relations in game: Toby Bennett, Jake Bennett, Glory Bennett
Suggested PB: Up to you as long as they're age-appropriate
Suggested profession: Up to you
Any details you feel need to be included?: The Bennett parents are cold and distant. They need to see their children as experiments and nothing more, leading them to be neglectful and a little verbally abusive. I'd like it if the mother in particular would be highly critical of Glory.
Any suggested plot lines?: Lots and lots of things to do with the Bennett kids, especially Glory. Family tension etc.
Anything you're willing to compromise?: Name, PB, age

For more information, comment or contact ofnumberlessdreams@gmail.com