March 10th, 2010

[info]ex_lookingba61 in [info]find_players

Hi! I play Aiden Sasano over at [info]genesmod, a marriage lottery/dystopian-themed rpg. Aiden currently works for what I envision to be an eccentric woman in her 30s, who owns/manages a Crisis Center. He's technically a counselor, but he's also her go-to guy for excess work and extra help (they are pretty short-handed, as the center doesn't receive much funding). I also picture her as having a slight crush on Aiden, but in an eccentric and confident "I'll flirt with you by giving you LOTS of work to do" kind of way.

As the Crisis Center is staging a campaign to gain funding/notice within the city, I would REALLY love someone to pick up her line. I'm trying veeerrry hard to leave her line as open as possible, because I think it'd be a lot of fun to see someone bring her to life.

She's listed on the Wanted page, but pm me or comment if you're interested so we can plot/discuss details before you app!

Oh and the community opened on March 1st, so nothing too big has happened...yet!

[info]elna in [info]find_players

This is a group centered around the Vampire Diaries. We're mostly based on the show but with some elements from the books. You can expect lots of fun threads and spamming with a group of sweet/talented writers! (There will be threads in both the past and present)

We have Elena, Katherine, Damon, Bonnie, Anna, Caroline, and maybe a Vicki. We are in great need of a Stefan and would welcome anyone else you would like to bring in! That means you, little brother!

Leave a comment if this sounds interesting to you!

[info]alchemysl in [info]find_players

Alchemy: Incantare Legacies

The war between good and evil has raged on since the beginning of time. Shadowkind have crossed over from the Arcane plane to haunt our realm; our only salvation had rested within the families who were bestowed gifts by the Ancient Ones in order to protect mankind.

Pulled away from their simple lives, it was up to the magic wielding progeny to carry the mantle. They fought and subdued the Shadowkind with their abilities; every Shadowkind that fell by their means was replaced by ten more. It became apparent that a retreat to Azoth Manor was in order. The heart of the bloodlines power center posed a possible aid in repelling their foes. Even in greater numbers, proper knowledge, and even with blessed weapons, a long, arduous battle followed them. The Arcane families were sundered. Entire bloodlines disappeared in the blink of an eye. If there were any survivors, they were most likely hiding.

With little hope left for the world, the Ancient Ones decided to search for new hosts to replenish the shredded ranks and bring about a new generation of magic. These new warriors would be chosen through millions across the globe. A special soul and spirit were both needed to survive the transformation, and they would have to be found before the Shadowkind realized that the Ancients were slowly regrouping their forces. The war was far from over.

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If you are planning to join/apply for this SL, please let one of our mods know so that we can approve your account. We can be reached at AIM: awilteddesire or alteredlore.

Disclaimer: Alchemy Incantare Legends is based on the old Alchemy and Eldritch SLs found on AOL. The owner of this SL, Matt, owns all three. We do not make profit off of anything presented in this game. Ideas from D&D and Supernatural are incorporated into this SL, though the game & the fandom are not included within. This journal is used for recruiting, and main play will be on the board, located here.