February 19th, 2010

[info]starbright_ in [info]find_players

A Song of Ice and Fire RPG

Characters Needed:Lord Tyrell, Lord Tully
The Game: set 500 years after the end of the series, it's essentially an AU/Future RPG.

I play Jaehaerys Targaryen, Third of his name, King of the Seven Kingdoms and it is bloody hard to scheme without including Riverrun or Highgarden in the equation.
This is for the sake of intrigue and great (in)justice!

Jaehaerys is planning to offer his cousin (the only Targaryen princess) to Lord Tully's son, among other concessions, for an alliance.

Lord Tyrell is required for an insane amount of intrigue. Like huge epic amounts of intrigue.

Game mod: [info]the_seven

Also: The last Targaryen princess, and the possibly evil Targaryen uncle would be awesome to have around. So would the Master of Whispers, The High Septon, the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, and Lord Arryn but hey, I'll take what I can get.