January 25th, 2010

[info]aylaranzz in [info]find_players

Looking for an Albus Severus

Over at Act 3, we just lost our Albus Severus who was involved in a couple plots.

I play James and currently the boys are estranged after a prank, which left Scorpius Malfoy, Albus' best friend, in St. Mungos. James desperately wants to fix things though. I also play Ivy Montague, the daughter of Pansy Parkinson who Albus has a crush on and vice versa.

Albus prefers to go by Severus or Sev and is 13, in Slytherin and one of the Chasers on the Quidditch team. The prefered PB is Joe Jonas.

If anyone is interested feel free to im me at AylaRanzz.

We also just lost our Draco Malfoy, who is drastically changed from the Draco he once was. Prior players PB was Paul Bettany. There is a Scorpius and Astoria in game.

[info]sockmonkey in [info]find_players

Hey! I'm Jamie and I'm looking for a few people to help my plot in a game or two!

I'd love a Michael Moscovitz for my Mia Thermopolis. She's from the Princess Diaries books, so I'd really love a Tina, Lilly, Boris, Kenny, Ling-Su, Lana, Perin, Shameeka, or anyone from the books.

I'd love a Tommy Dawkins from Big Wolf on Campus to hang out and pal around with Merton Dingle.

I'd love a Patrick Verona to date and of course fight with Kat Stratford (TV!Verse).

And I know this is a somewhat strange request, but I'd really love to have a Riley Poole from National Treasure OR Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds in a multi-fandom college setting game to ship with a Harry Potter character. It's a bit strange, so if this sparks any interest, I'll explain my idea.

If you'd like to discuss details, you can PM me here or contact me at cafpows on aim.