December 9th, 2009

[info]taffy13 in [info]find_players

siblings or cousins needed

Hey there, taffy from eidolon city and I'm looking to see if anyone's interested in taking siblings or cousins of my boy Roy here. If interested, ping here for details!

I am specifically looking for someone to take his sister Marian!

[info]brokencity_mods in [info]find_players

Over at brokencity_ic )

[info]pc_mods in [info]find_players

Anyone interested in a AU Tom Riddle Era roleplay?

Based in the year 1951, 25 year old Tom Riddle is the Undersecratery for the Minister of Magic and has been controlling him behind the scenes for the past two years after taking the advice to take over the world by politics rather than force like he originally going to.

A brand new game we're looking for plenty of characters still!