October 27th, 2009

[info]missdarkntwisty in [info]find_players

Calling all Casper fans!

Hi! I'm Leesha, and I RP Kat Harvey from Casper over on Livejournal - [info]sixwordstories, actually. There's a Casper and a Stretch on there too, and we're all looking for these characters to join us:

- Stinkie
- Fatso
- Dr. James Harvey
- Carrigan Crittenden
- Amelia Harvey
- Paul "Dibs" Plutzker

Our verse is a little AU, tweaked to fit modern day - Kat & Casper are in their late teens, thus everyone's ages are a little different. Human PBs for the ghosts are fine (Stretch's PB is Josh Duhamel, heh.)

Comment on this post or here if interested, and thanks! :D