September 28th, 2009

[info]awkwardgenius in [info]find_players

Loveable genius, anyone?

Hey, guys!

I'm looking for a good, solid home for my newest muse, Dr. Spencer Reid from TV's Criminal Minds. For those of you who aren't familiar with the series, Reid is a dorky, socially awkward genius who graduated high school at age twelve and holds three PhDs and three BAs. In the series, he works in the Behavioural Analysis Unit of the FBI, profiling catching serial killers and other criminals with severe mental illnesses. Check out the series on Wikipedia for a little more info.

I've been playing him for a short while now, and I'm looking for a good roleplay to join to try him out. I'm also interested in any other RPing Criminal Minds fans out there who would possibly want to try their hand at RPing one of the characters and work out some one-on-one stuff. I'm not too sure how popular this series is when it comes to games, so I figured I would throw an ad out there and see if I got any bites.

I'm not fussy about plot or genre – anything from mutants to supernatural, medical to city- or life-based, as long as I can fit Reid in there somehow, I'm open minded! I'm very friendly and approachable; I write long, detailed posts and am always open to plotting with other players.

If anyone out there thinks Reid would be welcome in their game or would be interested in having him as a taken character, drop me a line in a comment here, or hit me up on AIM @ AwkwardGenius. Thanks in advance!