September 13th, 2009

[info]adanesne2 in [info]find_players

Anyone willing to play Dr. Horrible to my Penny?

[info]tudorcourtmods in [info]find_players


The year is 1525, King Henry VIII is on the throne of England, Catherine of Aragon is Queen, and the religion of the land is Catholisim. It is a time of peace but neighboring monarchs are always eager for the glory of war. The winds of change are blowing through Europe; the Renaissance is sweeping from Italy northward, the Reformation sweeping outward from Germany. Though England has thus far managed to escape the most radical movements that come with them, she won't be able to stay unchanged forever.

This game has been going on for a few months but we DESPERATLY need more people. Almost all characters are still open, but in particular we need a Henry VII as he is being played by another player just to fill at the moment, we lost our first Henry due to lack of participation. We also really need Thomas Moore, Cardinal Wolsey, and Thomas Boleyn, just to name a few.

So, if you love The Tudors tv show, as well as historically, please come check us out at [info]tudorcourt. We want people who are going to particapte and be active. You can find the information what characters are available, and the application at [info]tudorcourtooc. Please come check us out and if you are interested, let us know. We will hold a character for you if you see someone you like and want time to get an application together. But, PLEASE come play with us. We need people to keep the game going.