September 11th, 2009

[info]ex_pythian109 in [info]find_players

I am in need of a Bill Adama at the Battlestar Galactica comm [info]datastream! It's an AU community where the Cylons infiltrate Colonial society rather than attack, and the characters have completely different life paths, i.e. my Laura is an oracle. I would love to see a businessman Bill, maybe one who comes to her looking for counseling or advice (possibly pushed to do so by a friend?), and have a relationship blossom between them.

[info]dawn_cdj in [info]find_players

Hey Everyone!

My name is Dawn and I come here with a specific plan in mind. I am currently looking for someone who is interested in co modding or playing with me at [info]bad_things_mod. A friend was creating the game when she suddenly decided to drop it and left it all to me. I was not planning on modding it and only wanted to play. I offer cookies to anyone who has the time and willingness to take this up!!!

My AIM is luvcwc2 if you want to chat or talk about this.

Thanks in advance!