September 9th, 2009

[info]somuchbetter in [info]find_players

My name is Lissa. I posted many of these last week (with the filled ones edited out of course), there are a couple of new games here and some requests for characters I would like to play at the bottom.

[info]butterrpg via [info]buttermod Is a season 3 Gossip Girl game. It's canon through season 2, diverging into AU from there. I play Chuck Bass and Lily Bass.

* For both Chuck and Lily, I would like to see Eric van der Woodsen. Lily would like to have her other son around and Chuck would like to have the only van der Woodsen he believes really understands him, especially since Serena has gone off to college.
* For Lily, I would like to see her son, Scott Ronsson. Rufus is in game as well and I think it would cause interesting storylines if the son they thought was dead were to show up and shake things up.

[info]returnofkane via [info]returnofkanemod is a end of season 2-season 3 Veronica Mars RP. It's mostly canon with one big exception (Lilly has a chance to be alive), though it will diverge more into AU for season 3. I play Lilly Kane.

* Lilly would like to see her brother, Duncan Kane and her ex-boyfriend Logan Echolls. I would also like her parents Jake and Celeste Kane around to react to her waking up.

Lastly, I am looking for a place to play Veronica Mars. I have a journal made for her [info]amarshmallow but nothing there yet. I'm willing to play her in a PSL or a Panfandom game. If anyone has a specific request for Veronica, please let me know.

Feel free to contact me further about backstory for any of the characters I'm asking for. My aim is Lily C Humphrey