August 27th, 2009

[info]shadowkeyblade in [info]find_players

Looking for a crack/comedy game

So I'm in a couple serious RPGs, but I'm looking for one that's silly and/or zany. I'm not just talking about something that's just lighthearted, I want something where crazy things keep happening (love potions, gender bending etc)

A little more about me )

[info]jaysama in [info]find_players


I'm new to role play on IJ, but not role play in general. Are there any Marvel RPGs out there that are looking for adult villains who are not mutants? I have had a heck of a time finding comic role plays anywhere. If someone could direct me to a good one that isn't centered upon only one part of the 616 universe or Movie (X-Men, Avengers), that would be great. About my specifics - a game with a somewhat friendly player base that role plays and isn't following the plot-of-the-mouth comic-copying syndrome. Many comic book role plays I've been in lately seem to bring the IC loathing OOC just because I am playing a villain and that's not fun at all. Villains I would be interested in playing - Red Skull, the Mandarin, Taskmaster, and I'm willing to check out others like Dr. Doom. As you can see, this isn't exactly the nicest group, but I'd like a fair shake if I'm going to take the time to bring evil to your game. LJ games are also welcome, as are boards (where I have the most experience).

Thank you in advance. If interested, you can contact me via comment, PM, or AIM, if I'm on.
