July 28th, 2009

[info]vox_obscurum in [info]find_players

It all began with a strange sentient planet that had gotten lonely, and had begun to kidnap people from all times and places to keep itself company. To entertain it's 'guests', it created a world that, every so often, shifted, but always looked like some sort of resort on earth. In a rare moment of weakness, the King of the Goblins and Ruler of the Underground, Jareth, was taken unawares and brought to the Planet. What followed was an inevitable clash of egos as the powerful fae creature fought with the strange sentient planet. The battle was fierce, and the fallout completely unpredictable.

In the end, a new dimension was created, somewhere between Jareth's old home and the dimension occupied by the sentient planet. In this new land, Jareth appears to reign surpreme. But can anyone truly rule in a world that was created in such a bizarre and tumultuous way? A few people had been brought along with him in the creation of the new realm, but Jareth decided that anything the Planet could do, he could do better. With that in mind, he began to bring in people from all places and times. Very soon, those who had been brought with him would have company...


About the Game
Game Rating: NC-17
Age Limits: 17+
Slash/Smut Friendly

[info]arurbex in [info]find_players

I'm Lauren from [info]eurekaspringsrp and we are looking for a few people for our brand spanking new panfandom game!

First off Rachel Dawes and Bruce Wayne would really love to see Alfred Pennyworth and Lucius Fox in game. Rachel is struggling to take care of the manor, and Bruce has moved Wayne R&D to Eureka. There is a lot of room for plot for both of them.

Dean, Madison and Sam really want some more Supernatural characters in game. Eureka is haunted and is about to experience a bit of a demon problem. They could always use friends or enemies.

Finally: We need bad guys. Bruce and Babs are getting restless and it would be nice to have someone for them to fight against.

Eureka Springs is a dark panfandom game set in a tiny tourist town in north Arkansas. We have a great cast, friendly mods and zero drama. If you are interested in any of these characters, please come check us out!

[info]brokencity_mods in [info]find_players

premise | rules | wanted
taken/held | cast list | application
contact list | friend add

Premise )

[info]adanesne2 in [info]find_players


I'm pretty desperate for one to my Uhura.

Please comment here if you play him.

Much love to you!