July 26th, 2009

[info]company_woman in [info]find_players

Hi, I play Madeline Stewart, (an non abilities OC) over at [info]fated_times - Heroes fandom game set in 2014, where President Sylar Nathan Petrelli is in control and in the middle of a attack things go wrong and opens a rip in time to pull any Heroes character Villains, Human, OC, AU children, teenagers their selves, and the in-between from any timeline all brought to 2014.

Madeline is in the need for co-works within the White House, who will be in the timeline the game is set in.

She would love Mohinder who is now adviser to Sylar Nathan to speak with.

Anyone else is welcomed as well!

If interested please go to [info]fated_mods

[info]revelations_mod in [info]find_players

[info]chosen_mod in [info]find_players

Chosen: A Buffyverse RP
"From now on, every girl in the world who might be a Slayer, will be a Slayer. Every girl who could have the power, will have the power, can stand up, will stand up. Slayers... every one of us. Make your choice. Are you ready to be strong?"
Still looking for: Kennedy, Robin Wood, Oz, Riley, Angel, Amy, slayers, and original characters.


[info]taffy13 in [info]find_players

Please help!!

I really need a few characters filled for my girl Eris (pb rose mcgowan)over at eidolon city. Mostly, I need the owner of a bar that's one of the only non-mob-affiliated bars in the city called the One More Round. I'm completely open to pb, history, etc to be worked out between the two. I need him because he's one of the only people who's been willing to keep his mouth shut about her still being alive since there was an attempt on her life a while back. She's hiding out there and singing to help pay her way for the apartment upstairs.

I would also love her ex bodyguard. He wouldn't know she was alive, but I'm sure we can arrange an interesting past history and take it great places from there! Pb is again up to the player in question, and whether or not he was neutralized when the attempt on her life was made or he was in on it is negotiable!