June 8th, 2009

[info]wariscomingmod in [info]find_players

Dear Dean Winchester,

We miss you. We need you. Most importantly, your brother is violating all that is holy and awesome by having sex on me with that demon bitch that you hate so much. Please, oh please, put a leash on your brother and keep him from doing something insane like that again. They were all over me. All. Over. Me. There are some things that you can not scrub from your memory. That, my friend, was one of them. So if you care for me at all, you'll get your ass over here and give Sam HELL. Please? PLEASE?

The Impala

[info]wariscoming is a brand new multifandom Supernaturalverse game that's in great need of any and all Supernatural characters. As Dean is one of the two Winchester duo, we would love it if he decided to drop in and join in on the insanity!