May 6th, 2009

[info]brittcheska in [info]find_players

I have some new lines up, and older ones that still need to be filled! Lines from the following fandoms: Harry Potter, Labyrinth, Angel the Series, Lie to Me, Alice in Wonderland, Doctor Who, Lost, Firefly/Serenity, X-men movieverse, Inkheart movies/books, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Yes, I am aware I play too many things! I also have PB lists for original lines, as well as a few SL ideas.

The fandoms!

The PBs!

It would be easiest to comment somewhere at my journal to get in touch with me! Pretty please! I want more pretty lines, thanks!

[info]britannia_mod in [info]find_players

BRITANNIA: present-day Arthurian roleplay

Game: Britannia ([info]britannia_mod)
Fandom: Arthurian Legend
Format: Thread-based
Genre: Reincarnation, Modern Day
Rating: PG-13 and up

Open Characters:
We still need Lancelot to round out our tragic love triangle, and Lyonors, sister of Lynette and wife of Gareth; click here for more suggestions. "Normal" OCs are not currently accepted, but minor characters are welcome!

Open Roles:
Can't decide who your favorite character is now? We need high school boys and female teachers to balance out our existing roster. Our touristy town has a gift shop, but no PC-run accommodations, bars or restaurants. We have a pediatrician but no psychiatrist -- and boy are we gonna need one. ;)