April 14th, 2009

[info]motherly_esme in [info]find_players

Hello there! I recently joined a great Twilight group called [info]twilightremix ! I play Esme Cullen, and she and the rest of the family would love to see Carlisle join them! As you can see by going here, applying is easy! You can find the taken/wanted character list and hold a character by going here. Hope to see you there!

[info]journal_track in [info]find_players

Game: [info]you_blinked

My Character: Alexz Katz : an original Character from the Charmed fandom. I made her Wyatt's future best friend

Character Wanted: WYATT HALLIWELL She misses her best friend and wants him around. If you want to do an alternate universe thing, I'm open.

Just comment on this or send something to my journal for the charie in the game, [info]alexz_katz