March 21st, 2009

[info]teddypicker in [info]find_players

Hello! I'm Melanie, and I play Nora Wood & Nathaniel Wolfe at [info]happilyinc. It's an original game that deals with murder mysteries and nursery rhymes. There's a whimsical feel to it. The game opened on March 14th, and has been quite fun since then! The game opened up with the death of Little Miss Muffet. There are a bunch of characters I would love to see, but I'll just post a few here that I would love the most!

- HOWARD BERESFORD works at the Nursery Crime Division with Nathaniel Wolfe. There are a lot of chances for character development, specifically during the second and third cases. I would LOVE to see him the most, and you would be my favorite person ever if you applied for him.
- KATHERINE COOPER works at Happily Inc. and is Wolfe's inside man for what goes on in the office, or woman in this case? She plays an important role for the first case!
- EDMUND WOOD is the older brother of Nora! It would be nice to have him around for general family fun times, and his long time girlfriend Olive Branch is already in play! Nora would like him around to pester!
- PRUDENCE GOODWIN works at Happily Inc. and is Nora's office friend. The two ladies enjoy gossiping a little too much. She also has a younger sister who is in play (Grace Goodwin) who works on one of the newspapers.

More about the game can be found at [info]happilyinc! So PLEASE check it out!

[info]firetrap in [info]find_players


PSL anyone? What I'm really looking for is someone that I can collaborate with as far as lines and ideas go and possibly join a community with as either a Half-Human Meta-Crisis or Tenth Doctor.

PM or IM ffiretrap for more details.