February 27th, 2009

[info]pinkpocky in [info]find_players

Seeking a player or more...

Hi, I'm Jessica and I play [info]overeasy over at [info]paradigm_mods. I come requesting three seperate storylines to be filled.

Here we go... )

You can reach me on AIM @ p1nkp0cky or email me, pinkpocky01 @ gmail . com. You can also PM me at this journal or [info]overeasy or just leave a comment here.

[info]theoriginal_sin in [info]find_players

I can't finish this girl's bio until I find her husband, so anyone want to play a post-apocalyptic vampire? He's part of a triumvirate that run Las Vegas in [info]cityofsinmod and he'd get lots of play...it doesn't have to be a romance driven line, but he's intricately linked to her SL, so I would really like the line filled ASAP.