December 20th, 2008

[info]thefilmmaker in [info]find_players

looking for RENT females!

request: I play Mark (as well as mod and have an OC - irrelevant) over at [info]librettist, a RENT-based comm that's opening after Christmas, and while we're expanding nicely, the original boho boys would definitely LOVE to see the females in the company (for sure: Mimi and Maureen; also, Joanne.) to fill out the group and to provide as much conflict as possible (and to allow the game to flow smoothly and all) for the male characters we already have.

possible pb's: Idina Menzel! for Maureen ([info]soconvinced has a GORGEOUS icon set). We'd take Rosario Dawson for Mimi (but a fellow player has made a batch of Daphne Rubin-Vega icons if you'd prefer the OBC Mimi to go with a vastly Broadway-based game).

how to reach me: For more information or to apply (as these or any character, really) see [info]librettist or leave a comment here. OR get at me on aim at histrioniccs. I promise I'll be friendly and willing to help with ANY qualms you might have (especially if it's PB resource problems; icons are available!)