November 19th, 2008

[info]ellierose in [info]find_players

Hello all! My name is Mhia and I'm currently looking for the twin brother of a character of mine at [info]fruitful_rpg , this character to be specific.

Anywho, my character Eleanore and her twin brother Liam (I'm willing to change his name if you like) were raised in a wealthy and comfortable lifestyle but lacked a relationship with their parents. Well, their mother to be more specific, she was pretty much non-existent in their lives. The twins pretty much raised themselves, looking after each other and spending just about every moment together, especially after the death of their father. Really, I promise its a lot less unimaginative than it sounds, I strongly suggest you read through her bio xD.

Liam is 25, bright and social and a little sensitive, the exact opposite of Eleanore who is pretty much..well, she's kind of a bitch. She adores him though, he's probably the only person she isn't cold to, the only person she completely lets go around. He and his sister are very, very close though she tends to be a bit overprotective of him.
The majority of his personality is totally up to you.

Suggested PBs:
Tom Sturridge, William Eustace, Nicolas Bemberg, Chris Pulliam, Ole Sorensen, Tyson Ritter, really just anyone with dark hair and blue and/or gray eyes.

You can contact me at atrueperk on AIM! I'm on way too much so I'll be on to talk it through if you're interested.