October 15th, 2008

[info]thedawn in [info]find_players

We need "the sperm donor" premade over at [info]siddhartha for a storyline with this girl (the babymomma) and her sister, who's crushing on him! Someone between 15-17, pb is totally up to you. It would be a fun line and both of us reaaally want him, so if you're interested and want more specifics, you can catch me at dearest edifice on AIM!

[info]siddhartha also needs one last prince of the imperial family (the betrothed) who already has an arranged fiancee waiting for him! We could also use more princes and princesses in general, as well as clanmembers and anyone, really!

[info]btdmods in [info]find_players

I'm the mod over at [info]breakthedawn, a post Breaking Dawn game, and I would really love to see more spots filled before we start. We need vampires, werewolves, humans, and shapeshifters! So I really hope you'll take a look over our character page!