Apr. 16th, 2017


Thank you so much for the response to my email, everybody! I'm glad we're all still willing to provide this home for our characters, and I'm glad you're all still here with me. ♥

This post is here for two reasons:

i. As suggested, we're going to make a game amnesty. What does this mean? Well, if you feel a character is no longer working, or that you'd like to see a plotline and/or backstory reset, drop a line here so that we can discuss things and work on the appropriate changes. Alternately, if you'd like to add a new character, this can be as good a place for requesting it as the holds page.

ii. I'm also taking the opportunity to address a matter connected to the issues brought by last month's IJ crash. You might have noticed on other journals that, when the site was restored, the friends pages were seriously messed up due to a problem with the friending/unfriending of other journals. I tried to fix this here (and also on my CDJ) but realized that the friends button wasn't working. After a few experiments, I'm convinced that the problem is coming from the option to remove journals in the button's code.

If you wish to fix this, the way I've managed to do so was to head to Edit Friends and untick all the names in it before turning my attention to the Friend Button. Since I've re-friended all of you in this fashion, the button page will be visible to you - but if it's locked, let me know. You should also check if you're able to post in [info]felix_logs or [info]felix_ooc, as I know of some games where people had to leave and be re-added to the comms.

Also, keep in mind that at this point this is a quick solution to the problem, and that I haven't worked on updating our current character roster. As soon as I've worked on removing our recently departed characters, I'll let you know.

Happy Easter!

Jan. 4th, 2015


Having just realized that three of my characters' relatives (Rachel Cooper, Gertie Goyle and Neely Odgen) have finished their studies by now, I added two new year slots to the School Info page. If you know of other connections your characters might have who belong to either the class of 2003 (born 1984/85, started school in '96) or 2004 (born 1985/86, started school in the Year of the Carrows), let me know!

(ETA: I've just remembered that Evan's brother is also from class of '04, so he's also been added.)

Feb. 5th, 2014


Plot update

This Saturday there's going to be another explosion, this time during a Quidditch match between the Montrose Magpies (home team) and the Tutshill Tornadoes (visitors). This time we'll have more victims and Healers will have a rather buy day ahead. Feel free to have your character react to it.

(Many thanks to Heather for the idea!)

Jan. 28th, 2014


Hey everybody. The February plot post will be up later than usual because with all the running around in my rush to get to work I forgot to post it. I'll get to it as soon as I'm home again, but it will still take some 9 or 10 hours.

By the way, I should point out that the plot calendar won't mention the Ministry plot, mostly because I'll be working on it through these regular small posts where we can discuss the plots. Here's what we have going plot-wise for this week:
  • As mentioned by Orla here, Cece's tea shop was attacked by angry people blaming those known to have collaborated with Voldemort and the Carrows. There was quite a lot of damage, and some people (including Zoe, who was there at the time) getting cut by the broken glass. Feel free to have your character witness the rock being thrown and/or getting cut.

  • On Thursday, Auror Dawlish will receive an anonymous note saying they'll attack again unless Shacklebolt resigns. He'll handle the note to Ernie, knowing the importance to keep this information a secret for now.

If you have any ideas that might help develop either of these, or if you can think of something that might have happened to your character(s), post them here or send me an email!

Jun. 17th, 2013


Felix Felicis is officially open once again.

Jun. 15th, 2013


Hey everybody!

As you all know, Felix Felicis will resume activity in a couple of days. In the meantime, feel free to post over here to your heart's content.

A few details before anything starts, however:

1) First of all, run the button! We've had a few changes, from Kate (and thus Seamus) leaving us, Patricia and Dawn dropping Jasmine and Katie, and Alison renaming Bernice - she's Jade Dorny once more, as she was back in May 02. Also, Orla adds Cecilia "Cece" Barbary and Ethan Thicknesse to our list - and a lot more new (or old, depending on your perspective) characters will also join us in the near future, so keep your eyes peeled!

2) We now have a school table where we list the house and year where your character was in at Hogwarts. Let me know if your character is in the correct spot. Likewise, see if everything is all right with the new pages for the holds and PB list.

3) And finally, here's the plot calendar for this month. Time moved forward for our characters while we were away, so it's June 2003 for them now. If you have an idea for a plot, let me know.

And that's it for now. Welcome back, everybody - now let's have some fun. :)

Jul. 15th, 2012


Felix Felicis is officially open.

Have fun posting and threading, everybody!

Jul. 8th, 2012


Hello, everybody!

There's still a week to go before Felix Felicis officially begins, but since we have an impressive amount of characters already, I felt it was time to start things off in the OOC comm. You can start posting here, either to (re)introduce yourself and your characters or just to say hello. Oh, and remember to run the friend button again, as chances are a few more characters have joined us since you last did it.

Anyway, welcome! I'm looking forward to playing with all of you guys again!