June 6th, 2017

[info]inbeaconhills in [info]fandom_psls

[info]inbeaconhills We're a small and friendly panfandom game. We would love to see more writers! :)

[info]aceofskates in [info]fandom_psls

Yuri!!! On Ice gpsl is going strong with a solid foundation and three friendly, active players, but we'd love to see one or two more! Viktor would particularly love a Chris for bff shenanigans. Just... please don't orgasm on the ice again. There are children present.

Otabek and Phichit would also be loved! Bring me all my skater sons!

[info]vilebaddie in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for lines involving one of the following 'bad' guys to play. Wanting to play them against a female or multiple women.

Supernatural: Demon!Dean, Soulless!Sam, Crowley, Lucifer

Marvel: Loki, The Purple Man, Yondu

DC: The Joker, Lex Luthor

Gotham: Jerome, Ed Nygma, Hugo Strange

House of Cards: Doug Stamper, Frank Underwood

X-Men: Magneto, Sabretooth

Smallville: Lex Luthor

True Blood: Eric

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Spike, Angel(us)

Potentially others. Feel free to toss ideas at me.

[info]10225 in [info]fandom_psls

Could I convince someone to give me a Jax/Tara Sons of Anarchy sl that starts at the beginning of the show? I'm looking for something with tons of writing, whether it be scenes or narratives, where we can flesh out drama and really get into the characters. It would be really dark and angsty with a lot of dramatic elements thrown in. If interested, comment the screened post in the journal!

[info]winchesterfreak in [info]fandom_psls

Can I get a Dean Winchester? This perfect, all consuming love of a video has me in shambles and the song fits them perfectly. I'll take gen or slash. I'm more in the mood for slash though. We can come up with a plot worthy plot of plots. I may have one in mind already~ Longterm or short-term, whatever you're feeling. I'd be willing to play over aim. Just take pity on me u.u

x-posted to [info]slashsls

[info]bobbypin_bets in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for a Juggy to play against my Betty :)

It can be either canon or AU :)

[info]liv_moore in [info]fandom_psls

Can I get some lines for this dead, alabaster, badass?

[info]captaincrieff in [info]fandom_psls

Ignore the journal title! I'm looking for some PSLs! I'm looking for lines in the following fandoms: Harry Potter, Star Wars, Disney, Star Trek Reboot, Angel the Series, the Hunger Games, Doctor Who and Firefly! Check out my journal here to see who I play and what I'm looking for!

May 2024



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