January 30th, 2014

[info]unknownlight in [info]fandom_psls

So I just finished the final episode of American Horror Story: Coven and I was wondering if anyone was interested in a line/gpsl based around Miss Robichaux's Academy? Just in case anyone hasn't seen it yet, I'll leave the discussion of what I was thinking in the comments.

[info]ex_vorpal57 in [info]fandom_psls

Any chance in finding someone interested in Dragon Age?

I'm looking for a PSL post-Dragon Age: Origins, but pre-Dragon Age 2. I'd prefer something set in Ferelden to take a closer look at the fallout of the Blight. While I can definitely play Alistair and would be interested in writing against a Warden (or vice versa), I actually have a lot of ideas for original characters in the 'verse.

If this sounds up your alley, check my journal for details on my as a writer and please comment there or here. Comments are screened!

PS- Would also be interested in original characters set in the Elder Scrolls: Oblivion 'verse. Plus Mass Effect and Fallout 3.

PPS- Does anyone write Gwen Stacy any more? If there is, any interest in Gwen/Peter?

[info]winchesterfreak in [info]fandom_psls

Psls for my budding Sammy muse? Examples and stuff inside the journal.

[info]maspier in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for either more interest in a Baby-Sitters Club GPSL or someone willing to play Logan Bruno against Mary Anne Spier.

[info]cordials in [info]fandom_psls

It's cold out, which inevitably means I want a Narnia roleplay. Would anyone be interested in starting a GPSL with a modern-day take on the Pevensies? Changes can also be made to the world of Narnia if we so wish -- I would definitely like to find a way to make characters from the other books/ages available, at the very least. I have Lucy in mind already (though I'm amenable) and we also have a possible Jadis lined up.

On the PSL side of things, I am always in the market for Lucy/Tumnus (I play either), or something intriguing and different (possibly involving a werewolf!Maugrim?). I'd just love to hear from any Narnia players, really!

[info]thesubsect in [info]fandom_psls

Rory/Jess? Probably something short term to get this out of my system. But I'd also be interested in writing against Claire from Heroes in something AU or at a panfandom game. Whatever I can get.

May 2024



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