September 22nd, 2013

[info]whothehellis in [info]fandom_psls

Marvel Request

I'm looking to pick up a few more lines for my Bucky Barnes character. A Steve, Natasha or Darcy would be love, but other characters would be fabulous, too. I'm primarily interested in the MCU verse but I'm open to incorporating elements/characters from the comics as well. Player information can be found here, and Marvel storyline ideas here. Crossovers and other ideas are happily welcomed. If interested please feel free to drop a comment here or at the contact post in this journal. Comments are screened at both locations.


[info]stomps in [info]fandom_psls

MCU Avengers PSL? I'm most interested in finding a Bruce Banner to my Tony Stark, though I'm also digging Bruce/Clint or Bruce/Bucky; basically, toss me suggestions. No DC crossovers, I'm not familiar enough with the universe, but I might be interested in other 616 Marvel characters folded into MCU canon somehow. Gen is okay too! Player information here.

[info]vampsinc in [info]fandom_psls

Check me out, new PBs added.

[info]sunshinebarbie in [info]fandom_psls

I'd really love an active Damon for some Serena/Damon. Anyone interested?

[info]ssn in [info]fandom_psls

Long shot - does anyone even write/play in the HP-verse anymore?

This might be a long shot, but I am yearning to write Snape again and my preference would be to write a post-DH, EWE Snarry with someone who has a deep and abiding love and understanding of Harry's character and all the nuances that would be natural after the war. Someone who has strong grasp of book canon (NOT movie canon) and a reasonable grasp of ordinary rules of spelling and grammar is also desired.

I am looking for a long-term co-writer who understands the busy-ness of real-life. My writing time is limited but dedicated when available. I can be counted on for several posts per week, though not every day, and some days if our schedules coincide, I might be good for a concentrated volley of back-and-forth. Slow-and-steady build up and overcoming all the natural problems inherent in the characters involved, etc.

Co-writer must be able and willing to write all the fun and intense nuances of a sexual relationship when the story develops to that point without entering into the writing association expecting ONLY smut or being unable to appreciate the value of slow build-up, angst and UST. :)

My inner Snape is begging for voice again. I can and would also write Snupin if I can't get my hands on a good Snarry. From there I am also willing to write Snape/OFC if the OFC is a strong, well-thought-out character with a fully developed, non-Sue personality.

But I will hold out for a little while in an attempt to find a Snarry. My time is very limited, I can't take on more than one line right now. Please, please, please don't respond if you are not seriously interested in a long-term, dedicated line.

Format preferred would be Insane Journal, google docs or email. I do not ever, ever, ever write in instant messaging formats, and Live Journal's formatting has become weird and unwieldy to my older computer.

I would probably use a different journal than this one - subtle_simmer - as I prefer those icons/that PB to this set.

Interested? Please respond here or email to shanti.writes (at) gmail (dot) com

[info]powersthatbe in [info]fandom_psls


Looking for fandom (canon, crossover, au) lines, with focus on BtVS, Doctor Who and Supernatural, although I dabble in other fandoms as well. Check the journal!

[info]ohbucky in [info]fandom_psls

looking for someone who might be interested in writing against bucky barnes/the winter soldier. i'll play him against any other marvel character, in a marvel/dc crossover, or in a crossover with another fandom! just run your ideas by me and check the post in this journal. i'll except slash or het!

[info]notbychoice in [info]fandom_psls

Something for Elena?

May 2024



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