June 13th, 2013

[info]legionaire in [info]fandom_psls


Okay, shot in the dark, but I figure it doesn't hurt to try: would anyone be interested in playing Loki (of Thor/The Avengers) against my [coughcharacternamecough] Benedict Cumberbatch ala Star Trek: Into the Darkness? Come on, who doesn't love a good villain mash-up? Or any other suggestions for Benedict's character if I can't get that are welcome, even an OC. I just want some good old-fashioned villainy. Comments screened for your privacy!

[info]ruinimpendent in [info]fandom_psls

[info]thegladiators If anyone wants to play Gabranth, I would love you forever. More characters from unique canon sources or otherwise check the wanted page for specific lines!

[info]coffeeandtazers in [info]fandom_psls

Avengersworld PSLs for Darcy Lewis? I'll only write femme with Natasha.

[info]bloodclots in [info]fandom_psls

House M.D. lines, anyone??

Does anyone out there play House characters anymore? Itching for a House PSL or GPSL!

Also other ideas, both original and fandom, in the journal!

[info]lawslikecobwebs in [info]fandom_psls

Star Trek: Into Darkness looking to play Benedict's character against Kirk or Bones (Might be open to Spock).

~Also looking for a slash line set in around 1900 on an English estate in the main house between the heir to a fortune and his valet.
~A slash line set in a circus or carnival (think Night Circus if you've ever read it), some performance tricks, some real magic.

Always up for BBC Sherlock (I play Sherlock, Moriarty, and Mycroft) as well
Slash or gen only. Prefer to play by email.

[info]please_dont_ask in [info]fandom_psls

My KINGDOM for a good PSL (please see character list in profile!). Does no one wish to play with me? :( I'm tired of games that fall through.

[info]kindarighteous in [info]fandom_psls

blame tumblr and YouTube for this but, i have a serious need to do some fun crossover action between the BTVS and SPN universes. in the buffyverse i play Buffy (and Tara is an older muse i have as well) and in the supernaturalverse i play Sam and Castiel.

i'm interested in meshing the fandoms (be it through reality collapsing, they always coexisted with one another in the first place or what have you) or doing some fish out of water situations where things take place in one sole universe. i'm also interested in plot dealing with a post apocalyptic world (be it the 2014 Croatoan 'verse or something more like The Wish or just plain zombies) or centered around something involving the djinn.

pairing-wise i'm interested in Buffy/Dean, Buffy/Sam, Buffy/Cas, Sam/Faith or Cas/Faith. i also don't mind playing more than one character to help flesh out a line, either.

alternately, i'm new to the TVD fandom and wouldn't mind throwing any of the aformentioned characters at characters from within that 'verse as well.

May 2024



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