May 21st, 2013

[info]ofmist in [info]fandom_psls

[info]thegladiators Recently finished the FF4 iOS port and remembered how much I love all the characters. My kingdom for a Rosa, Cecil, or any other character from it and its sequel! How about the Heroes of Oakvale or Brightwall, more Mass Effect characters, or other canons not yet represented in the community?

[info]bornintheblack in [info]fandom_psls

[info]take_the_sky is a small, original Firefly GPSL is still looking for hired guns and passengers. If you've got the urge to pick up a character to play in the 'verse, comment here

[info]bronnsellsword in [info]fandom_psls

Second time's the charm. It's probably impossible to find gen lines on this server, but does anyone play Tyrion Lannister? I have a fairly involved Game of Thrones AU in mind that includes Bronn and Tyrion defecting to Robb and the North. Please be open to playing multiple characters and extensive brainstorming.

[info]galaxyshepard in [info]fandom_psls

Just closed a bunch of lines this morning (and in amicable fashion, so thank you to my fellow writers), and the itch for this idea is still pretty feverish in my head, so I figured I'd post it again! Also, to give credit where it's due, these images are not mine. I had no hand in making them, they're just inspirations for me.

I'm looking for a GenderSwap line based on The Avengers. It can be a colliding Alternate Universe, a re-write, or what-have you, but I'm really quite curious to explore one of the following: Captain America, Iron Man, or Thor.

As a bonus, though these characters aren't tested at all, I also have

Loki and Hulk(not to be confused with She-Hulk, this is a Swapped!Banner concept).

I'm really open to any of these and, again, Gen, Het, or Femme welcome. All that being said, I'm most interested in a line (and possibly even a community) where I could bring a Swap!Cap in. I'd lean more towards a femme theme, but feel like I should state that the pairing, regardless of who it was with, would take a lot of time and character development. I'm also open to throwing them (with still a penchant for her) in against anyone really. Keeping it to the Marvel Universe would be preferable, but I really am flexible.

Also still willing to take on a fewMass Effect lines.

[info]rader in [info]fandom_psls

would anyone be game for a darker peter pan group psl?

May 2024



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