May 12th, 2013

[info]puck_noah in [info]fandom_psls

Friends and Bandmates Wanted!

Puck is looking for guy/girl/gay/straight friends (OCs welcome!) for LA-based lines. One of the things that he wants to do in LA is form a band, but he doesn't have any good friends yet.

Puck is also missing the following:

1. Cooper - To help Puck navigate the shark-infested waters of LA showbiz.

2. Jake - Someone has to uphold the Puckerman name at McKinley!

3. Santana - Puck is missing his other best friend.

4. Shelby - To help him make sure that Beth is OK.

5. Ryder, Joe, and Unique - Ryder to help him look out for his little bro Jake, Joe to discuss religious philosophy with, and Unique to give Puck fashion advice. (Kurt has given up...)

This is for [info]wmhigh, a journal-/AIM-based Glee group PSL. We're an active, year-old pseudo-canon game, meaning players consider canon backgrounds and story arcs, but have the flexibility to explore their characters more deeply than might be revealed in the show. Apart from scenes, there are writing challenges, AIM chats, and weekly discussions to keep players engaged.

If interested, please see [info]prinfiggins to find out more about the game, ask questions, or drop off your application. (Other characters are also up for grabs!) You can also join [info]opencalls to discuss character ideas and possible lines with other players before applying.

[info]nohumanity in [info]fandom_psls

Perhaps an Alaric for my Elena? I have somewhat of an idea in mind (it would take place after last week's episode - 4x22 The Walking Dead - but has a slight AU spin on it), but I'm always interested in brainstorming. I'm also willing to play her against other men (from the show or even some kind of fandom cross over - maybe something against one of the guys from Supernatural or True Blood or Hemlock Grove) or even try my hand at other girls from the show. Threading only.

[info]bornintheblack in [info]fandom_psls

Our original Firefly GPSL is still looking for a couple of hired guns and passengers along for the ride! Leave a comment on the character page if you're interested; it'll be shiny :)

[info]thedarkcdj in [info]fandom_psls

So I am looking for some lines. I have some line ideas in my journal that I would love to see filled. There are some general/original lines, and then there are a few fandom lines. Take a look, and let me know if you want to discuss.

Threading/Email only. No playing over AIM.

[info]chocolatekiss in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone play Remus Lupin or Sirius Black who'd be interested in a line between the two? I can play either one, and I'm not picky about the time period, either. In school, during the First War, post-Azkaban, AU, or any other ideas you might have. I just want to play with these boys.

[info]banderson in [info]fandom_psls

[info]wmhigh is in need of Santana Lopez & Mike Chang immediately. Kitty, Jake, Ryder, Joe, Cooper, Adam Crawford, Brody Weston, Hunter Clarington, Sebastian Smythe, Warblers, Frida (Jessica Sanchez) and Unique are also wanted more than a junkie needs crack! Please join!!

[info]shewalksaway in [info]fandom_psls

Doctor Who PSL?


I’m seeking someone that's into the Doctor Who fandom and can play either a Tenth Doctor or Ten.5 for a PSL. It could be long term or short. So, if interested just comment below, PM.

[info]galaxyshepard in [info]fandom_psls

So, I've just gotten back into writing again, which is nice, and my experiences have been pretty positive thus far. I know the journal is still empty (I've been toying with just what I want it to say) but I thought I'd throw out another ad. I'm still looking for one or two more lines.

Mass Effect. Really, anything goes here. I'm willing to do AUs, canon, re-writes, pre and post game content, off camera scenes, Original Characters against Canons or other OCs, really, just about anything. Gen, Het, Femme, Swaps, and even slash are welcome (though, I should be fair, no so good at writing the latter - still willing to try!). I'd even be willing to play a crossover line between Mass Effect and another Fandom. So, really, I'm flexible here.

The latter is a bit more specific. I'm looking for a GenderSwap line based on The Avengers. It can be a colliding Alternate Universe, a re-write, or what-have you, but I'm really quite curious to explore one of the following: Captain America, Iron Man, or Thor. I'm really open to any of these and, again, Gen, Het, or Femme welcome. I admit, I'd probably sell some of my toes for a Femme line against Swap!Cap, just because it raises a lot of colorful scenes in my brain.

Thanks for your time!

P.S. If the links don't work, I can provide direct ones to the source images that inspired these ideas. I have some SL ideas well, so, if you respond, no need to worry about having to think it all up yourself.

P.P.S: Just checked the links, and, they don't. Guess my coding is rusty. Images can be found here.

[info]projecticarus in [info]fandom_psls

I'm looking for someone willing to play a male Avenger opposite my Agent Coulson. Storyline plot is behind the cut to avoid any potential spoilers for the Avengers.

Here. )

May 2024



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